Welcome to the Las Vegas Interagency Communication Center

Specific fire locations and other information can be found on the Incident Information Page.
Fire Danger Ratings are on the Current Conditions Page.
Public Use Restrictions (wood cutting, campfires, etc.) are on the Fire Restrictions Page.
For Wildland Fires and Law Enforcement on BLM Lands in Southern Nevada:
To Report a Wildland Fire in Southern Nevada: 702-631-2350
LVICC (Dispatch) Non-Emergency Line: 702-515-5300LVICC Facsimile Line: 702-646-1996
For Recreation, Camping, and all other inquiries:
BLM Southern Nevada Main Office: 702-515-5000Spring Mountain National Recreation Area (USFS): 702-515-5400
Lake Mead Visitor Center (NPS): 702-293-8990
Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center (BLM): 702-515-5350